Monday, December 14, 2009

The Bathroom Sleeper From The Future

"Wendy" came with a great resume, said all the right things in the interview, seemed like a great fit. She wasn't.
She did, however, have knowledge of advanced technology. One day, she was having a computer problem. One of our other salespeople tried to help her and was standing just behind her chair. Whenever the person helping her said, "click here", Wendy would try and push that spot ON her monitor. With her finger. As if suddenly, her monitor had become a touch screen monitor. This did not bode well.

She also slept a lot. As in, she slept in the bathroom at the office. Sometimes, she would just dissapear off the sales floor for long periods of time. No one knew where she went. One day, she was gone longer than usual. We finally knocked on the ladies bathroom door. After a few knocks, we heard some stirring. Finally the door opened. Wendy stood rumpled at the door in a daze, looked at us and asked “What time is it”? Upon being told that it was not yet five, Wendy sighed and stumbled back to her desk. We cut her loose the following day.

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